Drs Cammack
& Evans
Paraparaumu Beach
04 298 5114

Fees for registered patients
Child under 14 no charge
Children 14 to 17 $13
Adults 18+ $19.50
Prescriptions $19.50
Community Service Card Holders
All consultations including accidents
Community Service Card Holders
Children under 14
Sexual health for those aged 18 and under
Free consultations
Non-Community Service Card Holders
Child under 14 no charge
Children 14 to 17 $38
Young adults 18 to 24 $49
Adults 25+ $67
Prescriptions $25
Review & repeat of regular medication
Most follow-up appointments
Nurse appointments
Full consultations including accidents
There are reduced fees for:
There are higher charges for some consultations such as
Driving licence medicals, skin surgery, biopsy,
IUCD insertion, resection ingrowing toenails,
catheterisation, cognitive assessment,
nasal cautery
ECG add $32
Spirometry add $32
Home Visit add $32
Reminder fee on accounts $6